“When everything was ready, the Lord said to Noah,” Go into the boat with all of your family, for among all the people of the earth, I can see that you alone are righteous.”[Gen. 7:1 (NLT)]
In my last writing, I spoke of how Noah was saved because he was righteous. But now what I’m telling you is not only was he saved for his righteousness, but his righteousness SAVED THE WORLD.
Because Noah walked with God, he was saved. But as the body of Christ, being saved is only HALF of what God intends to do with us.
In the book of Genesis, chapter nine, verses one through seven. The Lord gives Noah and family his covenant. But not yet to his promises, what they must do on their part, the laws they must live by.
A covenant in bible terms basically means, “The conditional promises made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture.” (Dictionary.com). Conditional meaning God will bless us if we do what he tells us to.
Though the laws have been changed around since the crucifixion of Jesus, this part of the covenant made after the flood is still in place today. “I hereby confirm my covenant with you and you descendants.” Remember what the definition of covenant was? When God gave his covenant to his DECENDANTS as well. God bestowed another task on Noah and his family; they would have to TEACH the next generations about it.
We must teach as well, Christians. For Jesus him self said, “…Go into the world and preach the good news.” [Mark 16:15 (NLT)] After a while, Christians it’s not enough to be saved. God did not intend for us to just be good students, but to be TEACHERS as well.
“But I’m no preacher!” you don’t have to be. You don’t have to be a preacher, a Sunday school teacher, a writer; you don’t have to even work in a church to teach people about Christ. But everyone NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE can teach their children, and can teach others by SETTING AN EXAMPLE. They can lead by how they follow. In simple terms, they can live right and give the glory to God. Give them a visual of how a follower of Christ would live.
Let’s take another lesson from our grandfather. Do not just be someone in this world who is saved. Be someone to help SAVE THE WORLD
May the Lord’s guidance be with you all,
Works Cited: Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
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