“Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants, so they could have children. For the Lord had caused all the women to be infertile because of what happened with Abraham’s wife, Sarah.”
[Gen. 20: 17-18 (NLT)]
According to at least the New Living Translation bible, the first time and word that has to do with “prayer” is in Gen 20:17. It was the first time anybody really asked God for a favor. Why so late? If you ask me, I’d say humanity wasn’t old enough to be able to speak to God in such a way. Back then, humanity was like an infant, and God carried it around, fulfilling its needs as they arose. With prayer, and God’s response to it, mankind then became what God would forever have it be, a walking, talking, young child.
If you are or were a parent of a young child, or if you’ve ever watched one. You’ll notice tat they are the most DEPENDENT walking things on the planet! Right through ages 2-6 a child will not try to find anything, cross a street, stay at home, cut up their food, pour a drink, or (most unfortunately) use a public bathroom without the help of an older person. They are always asking for stuff. And the majority of us, not being able to stand the sight of a little kid crossing the street alone or walk around with his/her shoes untied, fell obligated to help them.
God gave us this behavior, because paternal/maternal instinct comes from him, HE IS IT. We may not need God to tie our shoes for us, but can go through everyday without prayer? Are we “old enough” to be able to get everything we may want and need in this life ON OUR OWN? Can anybody be old enough?
“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” [Luke 17:18 (NLT)]
Christians, we are all little children as far as God is concerned. It doesn’t matter if you are a preacher, teacher, or otherwise. Any good parent wouldn’t let their little one cross the street alone now matter how much their kid reassured them. They are simply too little to do it alone, the cars won’t see them; it’s not worth the risk.
Christians, even though this is hard to accept, you are TOO LITTLE to get by without God’s assistance in your life. If so you are like a little kid trying to cross the street alone. And those disasters in life that you can’t control are like the cars. THEY WON’T SEE YOU WHEN THEY HIT, and you’re bound to get hurt.
That is why we MUST PRAY, because there are things on the shelf of life that we are not big enough to get for ourselves. And we need to ask God to get it for us. And we have to trust in our Father to decide for us whether or not that thing will be a Band-Aid to help us heal, a healthy snack to keep us going in the right direction, or a cookie to spoil our appetites.
May the Lord’s guidance be with you all.
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